星期一, 十一月 5


你好 Kai-lan!

Just kidding. But at least now you know that this blog is all about Chinese learning, visiting, eating and such. (starting at upper intermediate)

Personally I would love for a fan to say, “When are you going next? I’ll go with you!” and then a few more to say, “Let’s all meet up/ go together~!”

Don’t worry I’m not an Otaku…I don’t even know if there is a Chinese version for that. (Not that I don’t get along with otaku…I just know that sometimes people avoid them.

So what are you really doing with this blog? 我到底要干

1st:-Type up new things I've learned or something that just now clicked.

2nd:–Put up practice instructional blogs in Chinese. (like what to do when…)

3rd:–Introduce pretty cool media that I use to keep up. 如说我最喜欢的节目,新闻,等等。

I’m going to do my best to keep it up. Anywho, feel free to comment unless it’s too ignorant to say out loud, or ask questions.

Love me!爱我


