星期二, 十一月 27



I recently read about the different holidays that China has and how the youngin's are "luckier" because they have embraced many holidays from the dark side. ^^



在他们的眼中,我们的节日让人玩得很开心。我知道我们有很多其他的节日他们已经适应过了, 却不要写所有的。反正你们需要兹讨论一下,了解两队的看法。


Question Time~~!


星期五, 十一月 9


The Story

Here is a very short version in my own words of what happens in this old Chinese folktale. *I will be having someone correct it as I’m sure I made many mistakes@.@*

尚知道白蛇还是跟姑娘的样子活着。很生气地去找她。白蛇准备了和和尚打起来。白蛇用了水袭击和尚,但是和尚把大衣脱了下来(blocked it)。那件大衣变了一面墙。白蛇投掷了多水,可是和尚又用了大衣的魔力把她围了起来。白蛇意识到太晚失败了。男生毫无奈地每天去了寺庙看白蛇妻子
That story ended here so I will too, but there is much more to it so I'd encourage you to read it yourself.

Here are some of the things I got from it.

measure word for snake -_-
后代/下一代   offspring/next generation but sometimes interchangeable
魔力   magic powers
仙草 This is the magical medicinal herb for folktales.
虽然但是      I always forget that “although” should be followed by “but”
救活     Use—to revive/resurrect
//抓了    I need to start using “”in my speech because it’s more natural.  *locked up/surrounded up/caught up* so to speak
/打了起     *started to fight with—*
      In this case *take up* doesn't make sense in either language so use *take off—*.

Question Time~~!

1. 如果你发现了你的对象是什么样的怪物。你还会爱她吗?为什么
2. 如果你会还爱的话,什么样的怪物是合适?应该有什么样的魔力

星期一, 十一月 5


你好 Kai-lan!

Just kidding. But at least now you know that this blog is all about Chinese learning, visiting, eating and such. (starting at upper intermediate)

Personally I would love for a fan to say, “When are you going next? I’ll go with you!” and then a few more to say, “Let’s all meet up/ go together~!”

Don’t worry I’m not an Otaku…I don’t even know if there is a Chinese version for that. (Not that I don’t get along with otaku…I just know that sometimes people avoid them.

So what are you really doing with this blog? 我到底要干

1st:-Type up new things I've learned or something that just now clicked.

2nd:–Put up practice instructional blogs in Chinese. (like what to do when…)

3rd:–Introduce pretty cool media that I use to keep up. 如说我最喜欢的节目,新闻,等等。

I’m going to do my best to keep it up. Anywho, feel free to comment unless it’s too ignorant to say out loud, or ask questions.

Love me!爱我